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Skuli Yetu ni Hazina Yetu

An Education Project

“Skuli Yetu ni Hazina Yetu”, Translated, Our School is Our Treasure is one among MZF Approved Project targeted in quality and safety of classroom infrastructure., water sanitation and hygiene facilities through finishing the constructions of classrooms built by community efforts, Construct new schools if there is a need, new staff houses in the schools allocated in remote areas, supply furniture, cleaning material and other necessary learning equipment in order to provide children with adequate space and a health learning environment that can encourage children to stay in school and learn better.

This was 3 years project initiated 01 August 2014 to 2016, the project focused all districts in Unguja and Pemba, with approximate more than 8400 children and 84 teachers as planned beneficiaries. The project was under partnership with Ministry of Education and Vocational Training.

The project was design due to 2013 annual statistics abstract, which show that net enrollment sates for primary education was 83.7 in 2012 with significant disparities between urban and rural districts, this was indicated that 129,403 children of 4-13 years (63,272 girls) were out of school, 20% drop out at primary school level and 5 % repletion, Additionally, it was indicated by many education stakeholders that poor learning conditions, poor sanitation facilities, late start, food insecurity, malnutrition long distances, corporal punishment,, low household income, child labor linked to high opportunity costs of schooling early marriage are all contributing to the system inefficiencies.


The project focused on supporting enrollment and retention by ensuring that children have a safe, healthy, and enabling learning environment. reducing overcrowded in the classrooms and providing a better student-teacher ratio, reduction of water-born disease due to the provision of clean water and adequate sanitation facilities which can also lead to reduction in absenteeism increase in enrollment through reducing the distance for students from home to school, reducing the child abuse due to long distance to school while he/she is alone, as not enough the project also target to increase in teachers attendance and the performance by reducing classroom size, providing them with hostel/ dormitories within the school compound


Basing on high demand of schools in both urban and rural area, the project implemented in two phases, the Phase I of the project built 7 schools, 4 from Pemba (Micheweni Secondary, Minungwini Secondary School, Mnarani Priamry, and Mhaduthi Priamry School) and 3 in Unguja (Mbuyutende Priamry, Kidagoni and Kiongwe primary School) and Phase II of this project is also built 6 Schools in Unguja 3 Schools (Bandamaji primary School and Dunga Secondary Kiboje Secondary School) and 3 school in Pemba( Msuka primary, Birikau Primary School and Mkanyageni Secondary School)